Kep. Enderby is a retired Justice of the NSW Supreme Court. For many years before that he was a practising Queen’s Council in the ACT and NSW and in 1970 had been elected to the Federal Parliament as the member for the ACT. Before that he had taught law at the ANU. He became a Minister in the Whitlam Government when that government was elected in 1972 and held a number of portfolios that culminated in his becoming Australia’s Attorney-General in 1975. He was Attorney-General when Kerr dismissed the Whitlam Government on the 11th November 1975.

He was active with the late Ken Buckley in the foundation of the NSW Counc

il for Civil Liberties in the 1950’s and 60’s and was CCL’s Vice President for a number of years.

After leaving the NSW Supreme Court he was Chairman of the NSW

Serious Offenders Review Council (SORC) for three years but his opinions on prison reform and how prisoners were often being wrongly kept in prison after their non parole periods expired earned him the ire of the Government and his term of appointment was not renewed. He has long been a champion of human rights.

He was President of the NSW Voluntary Euthanasia Society for six years. He is an internationalist or non-nationalist and a practitioner of the international language Esperanto, and was once president of the world association based in Rotterdam.

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