Graham West Former Minister for Juvenile Justice, currently CEO of St Vincent de Paul Society NSW. He is also an Advisory Board Member at CentaCare Wilcannia Forbes and a Director of SHINE for Kids.
Peter Murphy CEO of Noetic Solutions, the management consultancy that produced the Strategic Review into the NSW Juvenile Justice System. Noetic Solutions has worked on a range of projects in the human services and justice fields, including work for the Australian Government Departments of Health and Ageing, and Attorney-General.
Evelyne Tadros Operations Manager, Youth Services for Mission Australia (NSW State Office). She has worked for small and large NGOs, local government and government departments including Juvenile Justice and NSW Police in the youth sector for twenty three years.
Questions from the floor
RSVP info@communityjusticecoalition.org or 02 9283 0123 ext 12
A donation at the door would be appreciated.
Community Justice Coalition
International Commission of Jurists Australia
Youth Justice Coalition
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