Present a seminar
Education in Prison
Thursday November 25th, 2010 5.30 – 7.30pm
Parliament House Sydney, Room 814-815
Maree O’Halloran, President of the National Welfare Rights Network and Director of the Welfare Rights Centre in Sydney. Formerly President of the NSW Teachers Federation, taught in schools, TAFE and Long Bay Prison.
Brad Parker, CFMEU Construction and General Division. Seven years a member of the Correctional Industries Consultative Council representing Unions NSW. Recipient of ‘The Excellence in Corrections Award’ for work initiated in both the Employment for Ex-Oenders Project and the Aboriginal Housing Project.
Luke Grant, Department of Corrective Services Assistant Commissioner, Offender Services and Programs since June 2006, responsible for offender services and programs in custody and in the community, including Corrective Services Industries and inmate classication and case management.
Mark Middleton, Ex-prisoner, current university student.
Questions from the floor
A donation at the door would be appreciated. Please email your intention to be present.